Feral Vector Code of Conduct
Games events need inclusive policies and guides to facilitate a safe and supportive environment. We want Feral Vector events to be safe for every person attending. To that end, every attendee of Feral Vector is required to abide by the policy below, including at any games and events run outside the main venue.
Homophobic, racist, transphobic, ableist, sexist, or otherwise prejudiced behaviours are not acceptable at Feral Vector.
Harassment is not acceptable. Stalking, unwanted sexual attention, and physical contact without consent are forms of harassment. A person’s dress or manner does not constitute consent. All attendees are expected to respect the personal space of others. Some attendees may not want to be filmed or photographed. If you are asked to leave someone alone you must respect this.
Participants asked to stop any of the above behaviours are expected to comply immediately. They may be sanctioned or expelled from the event at the discretion of the event organisers. No refund will be given in such a case.
“It’s just a bit of fun”, “It’s just a joke”, “They’re my friend it’s okay”, “I was drunk”, “It’s a game, I was in character”, “I was being ironic” (and so forth) are not excuses.
We encourage all participants of Feral Vector events to start a dialogue with us and, if it is safe to do so, any people involved in an event of harassment.
Please contact a member of staff immediately if you have any concerns for your own wellbeing or those of fellow attendees. Event staff can be identified by their lanyards, and will immediately take action to make you feel safe.
Alternatively, you can use this form, anonymously if you prefer.
If you are unfamiliar with people using they/them pronouns, you can find a guide at theythem.xyz. If you do say something wrong to someone, such as misgendering them, one of the best ways to handle that is immediately apologise, then let the conversation move onward rather than centring yourself or the mistake.