Feral Vector is run by a collective of people: Feral Sett. We’re a group of games-adjacent people with extensive experience in videogame development, game design, event production, academia, hardware, hackspaces, retail work, industry consultancy, and other jobs we’ve hated. We’ve collectively balled up our disillusionment to kick against while trying to make wonderful things happen.
We have a long track record of events, curation, parties, games, projects and permanent spaces we’re proud of, but those are largely things we’ve done individually. Feral Vector brought us all together between 2015 – 2017, and in those years it became obvious that we were doing it as a team.
A few of us are flippant about our own pronouns below. We won’t be about yours.
In random order, we are:

Amran was the Bastard in Residence at Feral Vector 2017, providing backstage support and vital security at attendee checkin. Outside Feral Vector, Amran has been involved in tech communities and events ranging from hackerspaces, meetups and festivals like Electromagnetic Field, giving him a wealth of experience in dealing with your shit.
Pronouns: He/Him

Shi is a feral game developer, and runs WETGENES with Kriss, producing all kinds of videogames, tools, board games, installations, and events. If you’ve been to FV in Hebden Bridge before, you’ve probably met them both on the door.
Pronouns: Dealer’s choice

Siobhan is a writer, musician, game developer, and occasional events producer/curator. During FV she looks after the social media, does whatever miscellaneous event support tasks she can find, and makes sure everyone’s drinking enough water.
Pronouns: She/Her

Jim is a Principal Lecturer in game design at UCLan, and a director of Curious Pastimes, which operates festival size larp games. At FV he runs experimental larps and other games that focus on the interactions between players.
Pronouns: He/Him

Along with Shi, Kriss makes all kinds of wonderful interactive things, which you can read about at WETGENES
Pronouns: Dealer’s choice

Devlin does event support at Feral Vector, and has also made custom controllers with people as well as running tournaments. You can find his games at devlin.itch.io
Pronouns: They/Them

Pax handles most of the stage tech at FV, and they also run a host of other events including London comedy festival ARGComFest.
Pronouns: She/Her

David is festival director. David would not like to join your professional network on LinkedIn
Pronouns: They/He
Feral Sett do the event production and the heavy lifting of making everything happen at Feral Vector. You’ll see us wearing these lanyards:
There’s also a whole heap of people who’ve helped out in various ways over the years. Mostly that’s since Feral Vector moved to Hebden Bridge and formed Feral Sett, but a few of the names below are also from its prehistory in London. This list is sure to expand (and, apologies – I’m sure to have forgotten a few after seven years – DH):
Alia Sheikh, Andy Vine, Rosanna Nichols, Sarah Cole, Adam Dixon, Thryn Henderson, Nate Crowley, Jo Summers, Andro Dars, Kim Foale, Beck Michalak, Eli Rainsberry, Cel, Hana Lee, Jana Wendler, Ben Bennett, Lynne Parker, Juju Adams, Richard Hogg, Danny Parker, William Pugh, Dominik Johann, Alex Tutty, Ed Key, James Brown, Michael Brown, Jon Brown, Jason Pugh, Emma Bearman, Andrew Crawshaw, Ross Fowkes, Charlotte Lowey, Ryan, Emma Peddie, Craig Brennan, Cathleen Guiney, Matthew Parks, Lawrence Wong, Andrew Thorpe, Chris Butler, Siri H, and Alice O’Connor.